Members-only Customer marketing strategies How to prioritize and allocate resources for scalable customer marketing It’s easy for customer marketing to get overlooked in favor of acquisition – but retention and engagement are where the real financial impact happens. So, let's make customer marketing indispensable. To do this, we need to strategically prioritize, scale, and allocate resources....
Members-only Customer marketing strategies The solution to sales and marketing misalignment Misalignment between sales and marketing remains a problem. Failing to fix it is a huge missed opportunity for marketers....
Members-only Customer marketing strategies Strategic dexterity: Tools for success in single-product vs. multi-product environments Whether you're a one-person team marketing a single product or you're juggling an entire portfolio, the ability to nimbly shift strategies is make-or-break....
Members-only Customer marketing metrics The ultimate guide to customer marketing OKRs and KPIs Wondered how to navigate the world of OKRs and KPIs? You're in the right place. This guide reveals the relevant OKRs and KPIs your customer marketing team should set....