Members-only Customer marketing Company factors impacting Customer Marketing wages Here at Customer Marketing Alliance, we've been doing a deep dive into customer marketing salaries and the factors impacting them. We wanted to explore how much of an impact other company factors had on the salary of customer marketing....
Members-only Market research Building business strategies around market trends What market trends analysis is, why it's important, how to identify market trends, how to build a business strategy around these trends....
Members-only Articles The magic of marketing: What's the goal of brand storytelling? Stories are at the very heart of marketing. We're taking a look at what should be two of the main goals of your storytelling: defamiliarizing your audience (ostranenie), and maintaining a consistent story they can engage with (willing suspension of disbelief)....
Members-only Customer marketing Top 6 customer marketing events to attend in 2023 Get your diaries ready - here are the top customer marketing events to attend in 2023. 🎉...
Members-only Customer advocacy 7 proven tactics to hit home runs with your customer marketing and advocacy programs The CEO and Co-founder of Crowdvocate talks about the seven tactics that will help you hit home runs with your programs....
Members-only Customer marketing What is the difference between cancellation and churn? When it comes to customer marketing, one of the most important metrics to track is customer retention. After all, figuring out how to keep your customers aboard ship and reduce churn rate is the linchpin of (SaaS); you want to keep your customer base intact to prevent revenue loss....
Members-only Market research The ultimate guide to perfecting the act of market research Market research is a concept not limited to customer marketing, but a strategy essential for every single part of the business. This guide will teach you almost everything you need to know about it....
Members-only Customer journey The importance of reducing customer cognitive load Reducing customer cognitive load (how much they're thinking before making a purchase) to improve their experience - article explains what it is, why it's important, and how to reduce it....
Members-only Customer marketing How to power up your brand storytelling with the hero's journey Storytelling is a massive subject and can turn into a lifelong journey of studying stories, especially in marketing. Stories are in everything. Not just advertising and brand storytelling especially is a science that anyone can utilize; anyone can do it....
Members-only Customer marketing How much are you worth? Global salaries for customer marketing A few months ago we released our Customer Marketing Salary Report. Now, with each one of us being more aware of money and the impact of the economy going into this year, we wanted to share a snippet of the data we collected about global salaries and more....
Members-only Market research How to complete startup market research: A step-by-step guide Market research is important for all companies, but it’s especially crucial for new businesses. This is because startups don’t have the same customer base or established reputation as long-standing brands....
Members-only Articles Cassie Sneed | The foolproof process to getting the right case studies for your brand | Customer Marketing Catch-up In this episode of customer marketing catch-up, we talk to Cassie Sneed, Senior Manager of Customer Marketing at Reputation, about her process for getting the right cast studies for your brand....
Members-only Customer marketing The role of FOMO on consumer psychology FOMO, or fear of missing out, is an acronym for a psychological worry that’s been ingrained in the human psyche for as long as we can remember. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into this topic, and the role FOMO has on consumer psychology....
Members-only Market research Why is market research important? 5 benefits of market research Market research provides the answers needed for orgs of any size about where to take the direction of their business, how to engage with their customers, and address pain points....
Members-only Customer and market research Types of market research: 5 ways to support your work with valuable analysis Market research covers a broad variety of strategies that work toward improving business techniques that better cater to your chosen target market. In this article, we’ll cover: What market research is, and different types of market research....