Members-only Articles Setting expectations for customers throughout the journey Part of providing a great experience lies in managing realistic customer expectations. Overpromise and under deliver, and you may find yourself without repeat custom and a very damaged reputation....
Members-only Customer collaboration Experts answer your customer marketing questions We got a selection of speakers from the inaugural Customer Marketing Summit to answer some of your burning customer marketing and questions. Let's not waste any time! Over to the experts......
Members-only Customer and market research Doing right by your customers & prospects without sacrificing the bottom line More than ever, you need to let your customer success strategy be driven by customer need and, on the new business side, let the strategy be driven by market conditions, says Hireology’s SVP Revenue, Debra Senra....
Members-only Customer marketing The B2B roadmap to an engaged, successful, and happy customer When you think of the three keywords in the title – engaged, happy, successful– which one seems the most significant? Actually, the only one that really matters is success. Once you have a strong roadmap for customer success, those other traits will naturally follow....
Members-only Customer marketing Be the voice of your customer and drive company alignment In the tech world, we are fortunate to have access to multiple touchpoints with our customers. There’s data literally everywhere that you can pull insights from. Feedback can originate from actions in the product, on the website, quantitative and qualitative - it’s all there....
Members-only Articles How to incorporate the voice of the customer into your product marketing strategy Whether it’s interviews, surveys, listening to the voice of the customer through forums, or product feedback pages on your website, you're part of customer communities. I think at one point in my career, I've probably done all of these....
Members-only Articles How to scale your marketing for SMBs and enterprises When it comes to B2B marketing, you're not going to get very far with a 'one-size-fits-all-approach'. It's important to scale your marketing to your different customers, both in terms of how you address their different needs, but also the resources you allocate....
Members-only Customer marketing What is in-app messaging, and when is it used? When executed properly, in-app messaging can significantly improve the user’s experience; messaging that’s contextual and personalized is much more personal. This not only improves your chances of converting a lead into a customer, but it can also increase your customer retention rate....
Members-only Customer marketing How to understand and represent your target audience through VoC If your brand is dealing with far more negative comments than heart emojis, then you’ve been hearing a lot from your customers, but you probably aren’t listening to them....
Members-only Customer and market research How to know when its time to update your product messaging It’s no surprise that messaging and positioning is a key responsibility for product marketers worldwide. How do you know when it’s time to update your messaging? The answer may come from inside, or outside the business....
Members-only Customer retention Tactics for improving customer retention Your SaaS product earns a major part of its revenue from existing customers—the ones who stay with you for long periods. These customers provide you with some serious revenue and value....
Members-only Customer marketing How to retain more customers You know it, we know it, we know you know it and you know we know it, but we’ll say it anyway: repeat business is where you’ll make the real money....
Members-only Customer retention Your guide to customer retention strategies and frameworks As you probably know by now, retaining customers is much more cost-effective and valuable to a B2B brand than acquiring new ones, in fact, five times more cost-effective....
Members-only Customer marketing The secrets of successful customer marketing So you’ve got the basics of a customer marketing strategy down, and things are going good. But how do you turn it from good to great? Here, we share some of the secrets to making your customer marketing successful....
Members-only Customer marketing The DNA of a customer marketer As customer marketers often fall under different teams or departments depending on an organization, it can be tricky to pin down their ‘typical’ activities. What we can be sure of are the valuable qualities that they possess and the key strategic responsibilities they drive forward....