Members-only Affiliates and referrals 10 examples of great referral programs to inspire you We live in a hyper-consumer-driven world where companies bombard us with endless ads and promotional content. Referral programs encourage customers to refer friends, family or colleagues often offering rewards like discounts or credits....
Members-only Affiliates and referrals Is affiliate marketing worth it? The pros and cons to consider Affiliate marketing is just one of many paths to explore when building a strong and sustainable customer marketing strategy. But with recent Google updates, is affiliate marketing worth it?...
Members-only Affiliates and referrals The elements of customer marketing: Key strategies and tactics glossary Customer marketing is a science. Along with needing to do research, conduct experiments, and prove findings, customer marketing also has its fair share of specific concepts and lingo you'll have to learn....
Members-only Affiliates and referrals Collette Johnson | Why customer references are important, and how best to use them | Customer Marketing Catch-up "Customer references really are about bringing someone in and starting them on that journey toward customer advocacy." We talk to Collette Johnson about customer references, their importance, and how they can be used. We also discuss some common mistakes and pitfalls that most clients fall into....
Members-only Affiliates and referrals How to best implement cross-sells and upsells into your customer marketing strategy Cross-selling and upselling are becoming a more common KPI for customer marketing teams as customer marketers get more involved in how companies nurture an increase in growth and revenue. But where do you start?...
Members-only Affiliates and referrals How customer marketing supports your business' community framework With community frameworks, the relationship between you and your customer community is mutually beneficial, as these frameworks work toward your customer's individual goals, which, in turn, gets you closer to your business goals....
Members-only Exclusive content [free preview] Why customer marketing and advocacy should be considered a two-way street We all know that when it comes to promoting our business, the best testimony is a customer testimony. But how can we build effective co-marketing partnerships with our customers so that they’ll want to shout from the rooftops about how amazing we are?...
Members-only Customer advocacy Customer advocacy and its positive impact and influence on revenue In an increasingly crowded marketplace, a good customer advocacy program can put you head and shoulders above your competitors by ensuring that your customers’ needs always come first. But how can we build a customer advocacy program, and how can we show its value?...
Members-only Customer advocacy How can customer advocacy boost your business success? You need to nurture your existing clientele; a well-cared-for customer community will often lead to the acquisition of new customers without you having to lift a finger. What we're talking about is of course, customer advocacy....