"When you're talking about customer centricity I think you're really talking about customer advocacy and how you message your product to the customer as opposed to it being jargon rich or complex language... I use that as the bench mark when I am then selling an advocacy program internally..."

In this episode of Customer Marketing Catch-up, Dean Lindsay, Product Marketing Manager at Third Bridge Group Limited talks about how businesses in fintech-focussed industries should approach customer advocacy.


Key takeaways:

  • Initial steps a business should take when launching a customer advocacy program.
  • Common mistakes people making when setting up an advocacy program.
  • Unique challenges and opportunities when establishing a customer advocacy program within the fintech sector.
  • How to navigate compliance and privacy concerns when featuring customer testimonials and success stories in your advocacy program.

About the guest:

Dean Lindsay is an experienced B2B marketing professional specialising in demand generation and customer marketing. Though currently a Product Marketing Manager, Dean's career history also includes customer marketing specific roles with companies like Soldo and 8x8.

He has a particular focus in cultivating customer advocacy, driving cross-sell and upsell opportunities, and enhancing sales enablement through dynamic multichannel marketing campaigns.

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