Generative AI has become far more commonplace over the last year with the introduction of tools like ChatGPT, which has become accessible to the everyday layman. But how does it work for roles like customer marketing and its associated professions? 

This article will go through: 

  • Understanding generative AI
  • Inventive applications for AI in customer marketing 
  • Some customer marketing AI prompt examples 

Let’s explore. 

Understanding Generative AI

Generative AI are the artificial intelligence systems that can produce content, ideas, or data based on existing information. They use algorithms that are typically based on: 

Large Language Models (LLMs): Neural networks:
AI models trained on text data that learn language patterns, allowing them to understand and generate human-like text. These computing systems consist of interconnected nodes (that work like neurons in the human brain) organized in layers. This type of AI can learn to recognize patterns in data and make decisions or predictions.

This type of generative AI can be presented in a multitude of forms, like: 

  • Web-based platforms.
  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which allow integration with existing software and systems.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, including cloud-based tools with specific marketing functionalities.
  • Integrated marketing platforms.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Low-Code/No-Code platforms, which allow marketers to create AI-powered applications without extensive coding, often in the form of drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components.
  • Custom enterprise solutions, including tailored AI systems developed for specific company needs.

Key Applications in Customer Marketing 

Now, AI is a tool that many already know can help with things like email automation, chatbots, social media content, and more. But what about the more unique uses of generative AI that can help in other areas of customer marketing?

Here are our top picks for some of the more interesting ways in which AI and boost marketing output. 

Dynamic Micro-Moment Marketing

Take the opportunity to personalize down to the finest grain and generate real-time, context-aware content outreach based on the customer's immediate situation. This’ll include things like location, weather, and current events.

This is relevant if you want to create instant, personalized offers when a customer browses your website.

AI-Powered Customer Personas

Build detailed, fictional customer profiles based on data trends in an instant. Feed the AI the data that is relevant to your different customer segmentations and watch the data form into coherent and understandable personas to work with. 

Personas are already going to be valuable for creating more empathetic and targeted marketing ideas. 

Predictive Customer Journey Mapping

Use historical data and generative AI to help you identify potential future customer journeys. Whether a new product is launched or a new feature brings in a different customer segment, being able to predict the unique touchpoints in these customer journeys and create tailored content is invaluable. 

AI Influencer Creation

This one may seem a little out there, but companies have already tried using virtual influencers to target specific market segments. Just look at Samsung's virtual assistant/influencer, Sam, who launched Samsung’s A24 phone in January 2024

Whether this will remain a brief gimmick or a genuine avenue for advertising remains to be seen, but no one can say it wouldn’t draw attention to your brand. 

Interactive Product Demonstrations

Generative AI can even create customized, interactive product demos based on individual customer interests. It’ll rely on presenting 3D imaging using virtual reality or augmented reality experiences, so it's safe to say this use will take a lot more time, data, and AI training to get right. 

Cultural Adaptation of Marketing Materials

AI will be able to automatically adapt marketing content for different cultures and regions. This’ll mean the AI can take into account local language, customs, and holidays to present your content at the right time and in the right way. 

That being said, AI is not a language expert, and it may use localized idioms and cultural references in the wrong way, so this use-type will benefit from human consultants who will make sure the AI isn’t saying the wrong thing. 

AI-Driven Event Planning

Whether just to suggest ideas or build out a whole event itinerary, AI can generate customized event concepts based on past attendee data and feedback. 

If an attendee can only attend half a day of the event, the AI can produce a personalized agenda for them. 

Adaptive Survey Generation

Wading through hundreds of survey responses can be one of the most daunting tasks when it comes to data gathering and analysis. If you’re juggling repetitive questions and answers on top of that, it can spell disaster. 

AI is a great tool for creating personalized survey questions based on previous responses. If a customer takes several of your feedback surveys, the AI can cut out any repeated questions, allowing the customer to answer only the most important stuff. 

On top of that, AI can also generate follow-up questions in real-time during these surveys so that customers can elaborate on already established answers. 

All this being said, AI is still a growing tool, with many teething problems still needing to be ironed out. AI is still at risk of spreading misinformation because its learning tools build on the prompts imputed in the past. 

We talk more about the ethics of AI in the article below: 

AI and customer service: Where do you draw the line?
Positions like customer marketing, customer success, and other customer-facing roles, rely a lot on face-to-face interaction with customers to maintain meaningful relationships and improve overall customer lifetime value. But does the presence of AI impact this?

Customer Marketing AI Prompts Examples 

If you’re only just getting into AI, and are struggling with how to make the AI tool actually produce what you want from it, we’ve put some AI prompt examples below to help you get started.

Here are ten different AI prompts that customer marketers can use, covering the topics you specified:

Personalized email subject lines

"Generate 5 engaging email opening lines for a [product type] promotion, targeting [customer segment]. Include the customer's first name and reference their recent purchase history."
"Create 3 urgency-driven subject lines for a flash sale email, personalized for customers who haven't made a purchase in the last 6 months. Include the customer's loyalty tier status."

Customer service chatbot responses 

"Compose a friendly chatbot response to a customer asking about our return policy. The customer has been with us for 2 years and this is their first return request."
"Generate an empathetic chatbot message for a customer reporting a delayed shipment. Provide a solution and incorporate our company's tone of voice guidelines."

Social media post ideas  

"Create 5 Instagram post concepts that showcase our new [product name] while highlighting its eco-friendly features. Include relevant hashtags and a call-to-action.m Keep the tone of the posts informal."
"Develop a series of 3 interconnected Twitter posts that tell a story about a customer's success with our [service name]. Include appropriate emojis and a branded hashtag. Please pick out relevant quotes from the customer story provided below."

Customer feedback summary generation

"Summarize the key themes from this month's customer feedback data. Highlight the top 3 positive and negative points, and suggest areas for improvement."
"Analyze the sentiment of customer reviews for our [product name] from the past quarter. Generate a concise report with percentages of positive, neutral, and negative feedback, along with standout quotes. Do not make the quotes up, please use only the existing reviews provided."


And there you have it folks! We’ve looked at what generative AI is and some of its more unique uses for customer marketers and provided a few key prompts to help you begin to use AI for your role. 

All this being said though, please remember to fact check anything that generative AI produced for you. This tool is still in its early stages and its information can be wrong and misleading.

While AI is improving every single day, it will not compare to direct one-to-one contact with your customers, so don’t use it as a replacement for customer relationships.

If you're looking to improve your human facing skills and want to build customer loyalty into customer advocacy, then our Customer Advocacy: Masters may just be the thing for you.