Members-only Engagement marketing How lifecycle marketing transformed customer engagement and advocacy at Ivanti In this article, I'll walk you through how adopting a lifecycle marketing model at Ivanti has transformed our approach to customer advocacy....
Members-only Engagement marketing This is how to create unrivaled client engagement strategies Think of client engagement like cooking, not baking. While baking demands exact measurements, cooking lets you be creative with what you have. The same goes for customer marketing – there's no one-size-fits-all recipe. Success comes from working with the resources and customers you have....
Members-only Brand storytelling How to build a customer-focused brand When businesses say they care about their customers, it can conjure up a plethora of clichés. “The customer is always right.” “Underpromise and overdeliver.” “Treat every customer like they're your only customer.” More often than not, business executives talk the talk but very rarely walk the walk....
Members-only Engagement marketing What is engagement marketing? What is the point in marketing if you’re not engaging your target audience? It’s like mailing a letter without a stamp, or brushing your teeth without toothpaste – you just wouldn’t do it!...