Join Customer Marketing Alliance’s members-only area to access all the content, tools, tips, and templates needed to accelerate your career.

All the tools you need to succeed.

Not just bits and pieces, this is everything you’ll need to ensure sustained customer marketing success, and more.

🤩 Exclusive content. An entire library of action-led content written by customer marketers from orgs like Salesforce, Meta, Adobe, and more. Added to every other week.

🛠 Templates & frameworks. To save you time, streamline your processes, and work off industry-standard documents. Updated every month.

🎬 On-demand event coverage. Catch-up on every single second of our virtual and in-person events. Any time. Anywhere. And learn from Slack, Zendesk, Dropbox, and many more.

🔥 Amplified expertise. Take your knowledge to the next level with our members' discount off courses and events, and early access to reports, projects, and updates from our community.

🤝 Create lasting connections. Network with fellow members with all levels of experience, ask away, and begin to reach new heights in your career. Together.

Psst. Wanna get a team subscription? Drop us a line on for group rates.

A sneak peek into what’s to come…

Exclusive resources, templates, slide decks, videos, and more, put together for customer marketers by powerhouses from the likes of:


How long will I have access to the content for?

It’s yours forever! Once you’ve signed up, as long as you keep your subscription active, all the content, frameworks, templates, videos, and slides are yours to access as much as you want, for as long as you want.

I work in B2C, do you still have stuff for me?

Absolutely. All of our materials are transferable and can be applied for B2B OR B2C use.

Can I request for something to be added?

Sure! We’re always looking for ways to improve what we’ve already got so if you can’t find something you think would be useful, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. We can’t promise to say ‘yes’ to every single request, but we’re always open to exploring ideas. 😉

This sounds great, how can I sell it to my manager?

Easy. At just $29 a month, if one idea sparks one change that converts just one customer, you’ll already have made your money back. In reality, you and I both know the results will span far wider than that though.