CMA Membership taster pack

Membership content

Has our Customer Marketing Alliance Membership caught your eye, but you’re still on the fence about whether or not it’ll suit you?

We’ve put together a taster pack for you to download so you can try out some of our membership content for free to know what your subscription will be getting you.

The pack includes two membership articles, 2 exclusive templates, and a complimentary OnDemand presentation from our renowned Customer Marketing Summits.

Our membership plan offers exclusive resources to help you continuously evolve your practices to keep up with the fast-paced markets customer marketers work within. This includes:

  • 30+ templates and frameworks
  • Hours of OnDemand presentations
  • Exclusive members-only community

And more…

Grab the taster pack, get a feel for what it's like, and then you'll be just a few clicks away from becoming a Customer Marketing Alliance Member. 💪